For your all needs in the field of Information Security you can contact us and benefit from our experienced team’s knowledge and skills on the related subjects. Our team will help you to improve the infrastructure of your organization and manage ISMS (Information Security Management System).

Business Impact Analysis
One of the basic elements of Business Continuity Management is Business Impact Analysis. During Business Impact Analysis, all operations, activities and processes of your organization are evaluated. In addition, issues such as business processes and risk levels that the organization can tolerate when one of these processes or systems suspends are also analyzed. These processes are very important in terms of the organization’s basic values like reputation, reliability and profitability. Likewise, legal and operational risks are also considerably important.

Risk Management
Risk management is the identification, evaluation and prioritization of risks. Today, organizations are exposed to many risks. Identifying risks and conducting risk evaluation studies are very important for organizations. First of all, all possible risks against your organization should be identified and their potential effects should be evaluated. After these risks have been identified, the solutions for minimizing or removing these risks should be considered. Lastly, the strategies should be applied to manage threats such as transferring the threat to another party, avoiding the threat or reducing the probability of the threat.

Emergency Management
Emergency management is creating plans to reduce vulnerability and cope with certain disasters. Emergency management does not eliminate the threats instead it focuses on creating plans to decrease the impacts of the emerging disasters. As we all know, Turkey is located on a geography which is vulnerable to various disasters and natural events. This means that in your organization a fire can break out and every process can become unmanageable. Do you have a roadmap for such situations? With our Emergency Management consultancy service, you can clearly identify the steps to be taken when an unexpected event has occurred. You can be informed about the emergency policies and plans to be followed in your organization during emergencies.

Disaster Recovery Management
Let’s assume that on the location of your main building a disaster like flood, earthquake or erosion occurs. Is your organization prepared against such disasters? Will your systems continue running following such disasters? In short, do you have the necessary management process, infrastructure and team to overcome the disasters? If you don’t, are you prepared to lose millions of dollars if you are a large-sized organization? Experienced and professional consultants of Cyberforce which has performed many successful projects in the Middle East and Turkey will assist you to manage disasters and eliminate potential risks.

- Disaster recovery management includes a set of policies and procedures to enable the recovery or continuation of important technology infrastructure and systems after a disaster. Disaster recovery management focuses on IT or technology systems that support critical business processes.
- Since its establishment, Cyberforce has adopted the understanding of a strong risk management. Thanks to this approach, it has achieved many long-term successes. Cyberforce also aims at increasing risk awareness, transparency and financial discipline by enabling a proactive risk management.
- Emergency Response is an important service provided by Cyberforce . We are really happy to see that we have succeeded in all of our projects we have carried out by paying attention to the complementary relationship between emergency management and subjects such as network security, data security, disasters and risk management.
- In our disaster recovery scenarios, we follow the whole process carefully by identifying critical processes and plans. We also know that in disaster recovery process, the role of all departments together with the department of Information Technologies is highly important.